Impostors Level Up Their Scams

IMPOSTORS LEVEL UP THEIR SCAMS | STAYING FINANCIALLY HEALTHY | REVERSE YOUR THINKING® American cash money and yellow paper note Social Security with question mark in black color aerial view

Care of NRMLA Online

A new article from AARP highlights how impostors level up their scams and have been phoning people. They pose as Social Security officers and flaunting false badge numbers to defraud victims.

The head of the Social Security Administration’s Office of Inspector General warns, “Don’t believe anyone who calls you unsolicited from a government agency and threatens you — just hang up. They may use real names or badge numbers to sound more official, but they are not.”…

The Inspector General states recent allegations of phone fraudsters using actual Social Security and OIG officials’ identities reflect their “sophisticated techniques”. They encourage individuals to report Social Security scams and learn more about fraud on the OIG website.

In addition to the resources on SSA’s website, NRMLA members can protect clients from being apart of a scam by sharing copies of NRMLA’s booklet, Recognize and Report Elder Financial Abuse.

Each year, an estimated five million, or one in ten, older Americans are victims of elder abuse, neglect or exploitation. Financial abuse costs older Americans more than $2.6 billion dollars annually.

NRMLA’s free resource also helps your clients recognize when impostors level up their scams. This free resource also includes contact information for government authorities and victim support organizations.

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